06. Document Verification Tab Overview (1:54)

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Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will give you an overview of the document verification tab.

The document verification tab is where you will verify NIPS, nominations and any other correspondence received from an offender. The tab is made up of the following sections:

  • The document enhancement section is where the document(s) that need to be verified are displayed. Should it be necessary, you have access to document enhancement tools to help when verifying a document. These tools are only available if the document is an image file type. They will not be displayed if the document is a PDF file type.
  • The document media section displays all the media associated with a document, this includes any additional pages and the default offence image. For example, if a NIP has been sent back with additional documents, these will be scanned in along with the NIP and displayed here.
  • The data panel to the right is the document verification panel and will be populated with the scanned offender data written on the received document. These verification fields can be customised so changes can be easily made to meet your verification requirements.

Information displayed in the verification panel can be populated in a several ways depending on the option selected. By default, the information displayed will be the results of an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) read – more commonly referred to as FormStorm. You can also select to have the current offender details or the address details on the document displayed.

Finally, you can maximise the document verification panel by clicking the maximise button.

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Please contact us if you would like to learn more about using the document verification tab in the StarTraq Dome

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