02. DomeForOffice (Word) Overview (02:42)

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Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will give you an overview of the DomeForOffice Word plugin.

The plugin allows you to create correspondence using the familiar tools available in Microsoft office whilst being able to pull offence information from StarTraq Dome’s database.

The DomeForOffice application allows you to either build a new blank document using the DomeForOffice merge fields as required, or you can download a pre-built template from the StarTraq Dome system.  A pre-built template, when loaded, will automatically populate the merge fields that have been inserted, for example, the offender’s full name, the offence date, and the offence location.

The DomeForOffice ribbon is made up five sections-

  • The ‘Load offence’ section is where you will search for the offence you require. You can search for an offence using the NIP number, the film number, or the frame number. You can click on recent offences to load an offence.  The recent offences drop-down list will display the last 20 offences you have recently viewed in the Dome.  Once you have selected the offence you require, click on the load offence button to upload the merge fields. If the NIP number has had multiple offenders, for example it has been nominated, then it is important to tick the ‘select offender’ box to allow you to pick which offender’s details to merge into the document.
  • The ‘Actions’ section allows you to decide what you would like to do with your document. Once the document is completed you can either ‘print and save’ it back to the Dome, or if printing is not required, you can just click on ‘Save to Dome’. The insert paragraph button allows you to insert any pre-defined text stored in the system.  Any predefined paragraphs will be setup by your systems administrator.
  • The ‘Offence details’ section is only available after you have loaded an offence. It contains drop down lists of all the merge fields available which can be retrieved from the Dome. This includes information on the offender, offence properties, vehicle information and any images related to that offence.
  • The ‘Template setup’ section is always available for to create new templates, for example when you want to create and ad-hoc document. The same options as the ‘offence details section’ are available here to insert the merge fields, please note that these will not be populated with data until you load an offence.
  • The ‘Help‘ section displays the current version of the plugin you are using and gives you access to the error logs should you need further support.

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Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the DomeForOffice plugin for Microsoft Word

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