Mobile Inspection and Enforcement Application

Track active and inactive applications from anywhere.

Read our Cardiff Council and Kent County Council case studies.

StarGo consists of three modules, a ‘Customer Licensing Application Portal’, ‘Back Office Licensing Software’ and a ‘Mobile Inspection and Enforcement Application’.

Our smartphone application gives Highway Inspectors access to live permit information via an easy-to-use Google Maps interface. Information regarding active and inactive licences and permits is clearly displayed allowing Inspectors to quickly and clearly identify businesses operating without a valid or expired licence. The app can also be used to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that are then managed via our offence processing software.

Some of the key features and benefits of our mobile enforcement application are:

  • Issue FPNs for non-compliance
  • Track active/inactive permits whilst out in the field
  • Targeted enforcement
  • Use in-built camera to gather evidence
  • Bluetooth or wireless printing to portable printer

To find out more about our ‘Mobile Inspection and Enforcement Application’, Download the latest StarGo leaflet here.

Offence processing software made simple.
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Some of our customers

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