04. Offender Tab Overview (1:09)

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Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will give you an overview of the offender tab.

The offender tab is where all the personal information of an offender is stored. You can update an offender’s details by editing any of these fields – which includes the option of performing a postcode look up and a driving licence look up. To save any changes just click on the ‘accept offender’ button.

The section at the bottom gives you access to two tabs:

  • Related offences – gives quick access to any offences related to this same offender . If you click on a related offence, it will open in a new internet browser tab for review. Matches for ‘related offences’ are added if they have the same driving licence number. If this is not available then matches are made if they have the same first name, last name and postcode.
  • Offender history – gives the history of any changes made to the offender record.

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Please contact us if you would like to learn more about using the offender tab in the StarTraq Dome

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