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Welcome to our StarGo back-office video tutorials. This video will give you an overview of the main StarGo menu and its options.
To access the main menu, users must click the ‘Menu’ button in the top right corner.
The following options will be available to users of the system. These options may not be available to all users in the system and will be set by the permission levels a user has:
- Add new customer – enables users, managers and supervisors to create a new account. This is primarily used when transferring licences. Watch our ‘adding a new customer’ tutorial video to learn more about this.
- User accounts – allows users, managers and supervisors to manage users’ accounts on the system. Watch our ‘managing user accounts’ tutorial video to learn more about this.
- Manage permissions – allows users, managers and supervisors to manage permission levels in the system. New permission levels can be added or existing permission levels can be amended. Watch our ‘Managing permission groups’ video to learn more.
- Permit pricing – enables users, managers and supervisors to update permit pricing. Watch our ‘permit pricing tutorial’ video to learn more about this. *Coming Soon*
- Manage email templates – allows users, managers and supervisors to edit and create the pre-populated email templates in the system. Watch our ‘managing email templates’ tutorial video to learn more about this.
- Manage mailing lists – enables users, managers and supervisors to edit and create a mailing list in the system. Watch our ‘managing mailing lists’ tutorial video to learn more about this.
- Configure Street Manager – allows users, managers and supervisors to configure the Street Manager link. We would strongly advise you not to change these settings and to contact your IT department.
- Manage districts – enables users, managers and supervisors to edit and create district locations within the system.
- Manage dropdown lists – enables users, managers and supervisors to edit and create dropdown list values.
- Finally, the software version currently installed will be displayed.