Customer account tab overview (01:59)

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Welcome to our StarGo back-office video tutorials. This video will demonstrate an overview of the Customer Account tab.

Users can access the ‘Customers account tab’ in two ways; firstly, by using the search menu and the search filter dropdown to search via either company name or address. Clicking any of the displayed results will load the customer account tab. You can also access it by clicking on the ‘customer tab’ from any of the other account tabs in the top left. You must be in a record to do this.

The customer account tab comprises 4 sections: contact details, company details, account users and account documents.

  • Contact details – gives access to information on the user who created the account.
  • Company details – displays company information such as address and registration number.
  • Account Users – displays a list of users registered on the account.
  • Account documents – displays a list of supporting documents uploaded to an account.

The contact and company details sections can be edited by clicking the ‘edit’ button in the top left.  Download a copy of an uploaded document by clicking here. Users can also upload new supporting documentation to the account by clicking the ‘upload’ button and completing the form. This would primarily be used for any incoming correspondence, such as emails.

To delete an uploaded supporting document from an account, click on the ‘checkbox’ to the left of the document you wish to remove and click the ‘delete’ button.

To add a new user to a customer account click on the ‘Add New’ button. To delete a user click on the ‘Delete’ button in the account users section. To delete the customers account click on the ‘Delete’ button in the top right.

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