Managing permission groups (01:20)

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Welcome to our StarGo back-office video tutorials. This video will demonstrate how to manage the permission groups in your system.

Permission groups are created to give users certain access rights to the system.

The permission group a manager or supervisor is given will differ from a regular user.

To access the permission groups menu, click on the ‘menu’ option in the top right corner and select the ‘manage permissions’ option.

Displayed will be a list of permission groups already in the system. This particular system only has two groups set up, ‘All permissions’ which gives the users access to all permission levels in the system, and ‘Highways Inspectors’ which only gives users access to the search functionality. Permission groups can be configured to suit particular job roles and functions.

To edit any of these groups, simply click on the row you wish to edit and click the ‘edit’ button. Any changes will need to be saved by clicking the ‘save’ button.

To create a new permission group, click the new button. Name your group and add a description if you would like. Select the permissions you would like the group to have from the list. Hold the control button to select more than one option. Click the save button to add your new group.

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