How to use ‘Compose an email’ (01:44)

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Welcome to our StarGo back-office video tutorials. This video will demonstrate using the ‘compose email’ functionality in the StarGo back office.

To get started, a user will have to find the application they want to compose the email for using the search functionality. Please watch our ‘Search function tutorial’ video for an in-depth guide on fully using this menu.

Once a user is in the licence record, they need to click on the ‘Actions’ dropdown menu in the top right and click on the ‘Compose email’ option.

The compose email box will be displayed with a blank message. By default, the ‘To’ field will have the email address of the account holder populated. Users can also send email correspondence to select mailing groups. The example shows the mailing groups of ‘rejected licences and site inspectors’. These can also be copied or blind copied using the CC and BCC fields.

Find out more about mailing lists by watching our mailing lists video.

Users can either compose a blank email or choose one of the pre-populated templates from the ‘Email template’ dropdown menu. A complete set of formatting tools allows users to customise their responses.

Users also can add attachments to an email; this can be an attachment from their hard drive. Use the ‘Attach file’ button or the dropdown menu’s ‘Attach account documents’ and ‘Attach licence documents’ to select and attach documents stored within the customer’s account.

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