StarTraq is delighted to announce that Wiltshire Police has chosen to invest in our cloud-based back-office solution, DOME (Dynamic Offence Management and Enforcement). It will be used to process camera captured traffic offences and issue warning letters to speeding vehicle owners reported by over 1,000 Community SpeedWatch volunteers. In addition, Wiltshire Police will benefit from the DOME’s state of the art verification suite and its batch printing module, making verifying offences and printing Community Speed Watch warning letters easier.
Following the appointment of a Community Speed Watch Enforcement Officer, and on the back of recent campaigns and historical data, the Community Speed Watch programme will return with more than 1,000 volunteers across the County. On average, the volunteers process 40,000 reports per year. They will be supported by the new Traffic Enforcement Officer and new camera equipment working with StarTraq’s back-office processing software.
Head of Criminal Justice Paul Oatway said: “This is an important role to support the Community Speed Watch schemes across the County. We have also invested in the latest, state of the art, road-side camera equipment and back-office processes to swiftly deal with enforcement and improved the system to administer the large levels of intel that is coming into us from the volunteers.”*
The project is expected to go live in July 2021.
*Quote taken from (