Managing Ticket Speed Limits (01:38)

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Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will show you how to manage the officer issued Ticket speed limits in the system.

To access the ‘Ticket speed limit’ menu, click ‘Manage’, highlight ‘Locations’ and then click on the ‘Ticket speed limits’ sub-menu.

Displayed in front of you will be a list of all the Ticket speed limits in your system. Depending on the number of locations you cover, these Ticket speed limits may be displayed over a couple of pages. To find the record more quickly, use the search bar located in the top left corner of the page.

To create a new Ticket speed limit, click the ‘New’ button in the bottom left corner. A dialogue box will appear, to create a new Ticket speed limit:

  • Enter the ticket and fine limit

The ticket and fine limit fields are mandatory fields so must be populated in order to save Speed limits back to the Dome.  When you are finished. Click ‘Save’ or if you want to continue adding new Ticket speed limits to the system, click ‘Save and Continue’.

Editing a Ticket speed limit is the same process, only instead of clicking on the ‘New’ button, you simply click on the Ticket speed limits you wish to edit.

Administrators can also delete multiple Ticket speed limits. To do this tick the radio button to the left of one or more of the Ticket speed limits and click the ‘Delete’ button in the bottom left-hand corner.

Finally, administrators may wish to export a list of the Ticket speed limits on the system. To do this simply click the ‘Excel’ icon in the bottom left.

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about managing ticket speed limits in StarTraq Dome

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