Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will show you how to manage Stations in your system.
Stations are locations where officers and staff are based. A Station can be assigned to a user in the ‘Users’ sub-menu.
To access the ‘Stations’ menu, click ‘Manage’ and then highlight ‘Users’ and then click on the ‘Stations’ sub-menu.
To add a new Station, click the ‘New’ button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
A dialogue box will appear asking you to input the name and description of the Station. Please note that only the Station name is mandatory. Once you are happy with your Station, click the ‘Save’ button or if you wish to continue adding Stations, click the ‘Save and Continue’ button.
Editing a Station is the exact same process except you select the Station you wish to edit from the list.
To delete a Station, click the radio button to the left of the Station you want to remove. Click the ‘Delete’ button in the bottom left corner to remove it from your system.
Finally, administrators may wish to export a list of Stations on the system. To do this simply click the ‘Excel’ icon in the bottom left.