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Welcome to another Dome tutorial, this video will show you how to create and/or upload new document.
The two ways to add documentation to the Dome, is either to create a document using the templates built in Microsoft word with DomeForOffice or by uploading an existing document. To use the word templates, you will need to click on the ‘write word letter’ button located in the Documents tab. To add an existing document to the Dome, you will need to click on the ‘Add new document’ button also in the Documents tab. The Quick action buttons provide a shortcut to upload and add a new document too.
Selecting the button called ‘write word letter’ will bring up the template selection box. Using the drop-down menu, select the template you wish to use. These templates will be tailored to your Police Force and additional templates can be added by contacting your administrator. You will also need to select a document type. Please make sure you pick the correct option as different document types have different process flows. In this example we will select reply letter. Name your file and click download.
Once your template has downloaded you are able to open it in Microsoft Word and use all its familiar functionality. You will notice that a StarTraq Dome Ribbon is available in Word. Use this ribbon to pull information from the database to use within your letter. This ribbon also allows you to save a copy of the document to the Dome.
The Add new document button is for adding completed documents to the Dome. For example, supporting evidence. To add one, simply click on the Add new document button, click the browse button in the dialog box and navigate and select the document you wish to upload. Select the correct document type, name your file, select the documentation direction, either an incoming document or outgoing document and click save.
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Please contact us if you would like to learn more about uploading and adding new documents in the StarTraq Dome